Mulungushi Agro Primary School is located in the East Part of Kabwe Town about 130km from Kabwe Town and about 20km from Lunsemfwa Hydo-Power Station.
Mulungushi Agro Primary School is located in the East Part of Kabwe Town about 130km from Kabwe Town and about 20km from Lunsemfwa Hydo-Power Station.
The school was opened in 1989. It was built by ZCCM and
handed over to government the same year. The school has 12 classrooms and 12
staff houses. It was built to service children of ex-miners those from the
local community. The school also offers weekly boarding for those coming from
far places. The school is connected to the national grid (ZESCO) and has piped
water. The school runs from grade 1-9 with each grade having double streams.
The school has various clubs including production unit and
have a teacher/pupil ratio of 1 teacher to 62 pupils. The school has teachers
with the following qualifications; certificates, diplomas and degrees.