The futuristic family cartoon The Jetsons premiered in 1962. It was set 100 years in the future in the year 2062. We're over half way there now, but surprisingly, many of the technologies they predicted in the cartoon are already a reality, while others are maturing quickly.
Considering how we've already managed to achieve much of what was foreseen back in 1962 is an interesting lesson about the pace of change of digital technologies. Since we know that this pace is only quickening, imagine how far we will have advanced when 2062 finally rolls around!
Video calls
In the picture above, we see Jane and George chatting via video. This technology has been commonplace for years now.
Robotic vacuums
We can also see Jane tapping on her device, ordering something to “vacuum”. Roomba anyone?
Tablet computers
That gadget Jane is using looks an awful lot like a tablet computing device doesn't it? Holy iPad Elroy!
Robotic house help
Counterparts to Rosie the Robot Maid are now for sale in a growing number of styles, such as the model we see here from YellRobot.
Flying Cars
Apparently, this is here now!
Smart Watches
They were ahead of the curve again with the iWatch and similar digital wrist pieces like those available at
Elroy can be seen flying a drone-like toy in at least one episode. Of course, Drones have been a reality for several years now.
Someone thought of it back in 1962, and we're doing it now.
3D printed food
In the picture below we see The Jetsons sitting down and selecting which foods will be magically “printed” via their futuristic food making machine. Seem like 3D printing to me. Well, in a very Jetsons-like development, NASA Astronauts Can Now 3D-Print Pizzas in Space.
The “PillCam”
Apparently this is a thing now!
Below we see Elroy flying via his futuristic Jetpack. We can do that.
Flat Screen TVs
Again, old news here in 2023.