It is widely held today that the Bible is unscientific, and some point to Galileo's experiences to prove it. But is this the correct case? When answering that question, we have to remember that the Bible is a book of prophecy, history, prayer , law ,counsel, and knowledge about God. It does not claim to be a scientific textbook. Nevertheless, when the Bible does touch on scientific matters, what it says is completely accurate.
Our Planet Earth
Consider, for example, what the Bible says about our Planet, the earth.In the book of Job, we read: "God is stretching out the north over the empty place, hanging the earth upon nothing".(Job 26:7) Compare this with Isaiah's statement, when he says: "There is one who is dwelling above the circle of the earth". (Isaiah 40:22) The picture conveyed of a round earth 'hanging upon nothing' in "the empty place" reminds us strongly of the photographs taken by astronauts of the sphere of the earth floating in empty space.
Water Cycle
Consider , too, the Earth's amazing water cycle.This remarkable process, which makes life on dry land possible, was well described about 3,000 years ago in simple, straightforward terms in the Bible: "All streams run into the sea, yet the sea never overflows; back to the place from which the streams ran they return to run again". Ecclesiastes 1:7 , The New English Bible.
Perhaps even more remarkable is the Bibe's insight into the history of mountains. Here is what a text on geology says: From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then relevated". Compare this with the poetic language of the psalmist: "With a watery deep Just like a garment you covered the earth. The waters were standing above the very mountains. Mountains proceeded to asend, valley plains proceeded to descend to the place that you have founded for them".
Psalm 104:6,8.
Health and sanitation
If an Israelite had a skin blemish suspected of being leprosy, he was put in isolation. "All the days that the plague is in him he will be unclean. He is unclean. He should dwell isolated. Outside the camp is his dwelling place". (Leviticus 13:52) In those days, this was an effective way of preventing the spread of the infection.
Another important law had to do with the disposal of human excrement, which had to be buried outside the camp. (Deuteronomy 23:12,13) This law no doubt saved Israel from many sicknesses. Even today , severe health problems are caused in some lands by improper disposal of human wastes.