What seemingly unrelated historical figures actually had a lot in common?

  Historical figures whose deaths had a lot in common.

Kennedy And Lincoln

Surprisingly, President John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln had way too much in common, so much that it almost seems scary.

  • They were both elected 100 years after each other…
  • They both had bodyguards named William…, who both died at 75 years, 5 months.
  • Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy, and Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln.
  • Lincoln was shot on a Friday by John Wilkes Booth, born in 1839 and Kennedy was shot on a Friday by Lee Oswald, born in 1939.
  • Lincoln was shot in the head at Ford’s Theater while Kennedy was shot in the head riding in a Lincoln car that was made by “Ford”.
  • Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse. Kennedy’s assassin fired the shot from a warehouse and ran to the theater.
  • One week before getting shot, Lincoln was in Monroe, Maryland, and Kennedy met Marilyn Monroe!!
  • Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born 100 years before Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy.
  • Not to mention that their names both contain 22 letters and were elected president 100 years apart!

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