Beautiful Ethiopian Muslim girls


Ethiopia is the first ever country that accepted Islam in the world

- Ethiopia is the first country that assisted the Muslims(while they were oppressed by the pagan Arabs)
- The first mosque in Africa was built in Ethiopia by companions
- Ethiopia and Egypt are the only two countries that are mentioned in the three Abrahamic faiths and still exist
- Ethiopia is the first country that accepted the three Abrahanic faiths without any conflict
- the first person who became a martyr in Islam was an Ethiopian woman named Sumayya
- the first Islamic migration was in Ethiopia 
- the first man who called out for prayer(made Adhan) was an Ethiopian man named Bilal
- The first man whom prophet Muhammed testified that he is going to Paradise while he was still alive was an Ethiopian man named Bilal
- the first king who accepted Islam was the Ethiopian king Nigus Armah(Al Najashi)
- the first country that was praised by prophet Muhammed is Ethiopia. He said "Habesha(Ethiopia) is the land of truth"

The Prophet Muhammed himself even stood up to serve the delegates of Ethiopia, he didn't do this to any delegate except them.

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