The last man/ape




A rare photo taken of the last man/ape ,the locals called him “Gigantic Homo sapiens” .

Living in Fingal's Cave on the island of Staffa, in the Inner Hebrides he and his species were employed to collect bats high in the cave roofs .

The bats were eaten for their meat and the wings were used as a crude contraceptive .

Unfortunately “Gigantic Homo sapiens” didn’t find female Homo sapiens very attractive and the species soon died out causing the human population in the surrounding area to triple in just five years ( no contraceptives )

His Bones were recently uncovered by builders building a history museum called ( ironically ) “where did all the bats go”

His remains are now in the said museum with a plaque saying “without Gigantic Homo sapiens” the population would have grown to big to quickly thank you”

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