The longest road in the world to walk

 The longest road in the world to walk, is from Cape Town (South Africa) to Magadan (Russia). No need for planes or boats, there are bridges. It's a 22,387 kilometers (13911 miles) and it takes 4,492 hours to travel. It would be 187 days walking nonstop, or 561 days walking 8 hours a day. Along the route, you pass through 17 countries, six time zones and all seasons of the year.

The longest land route in the world is 22,387 km from Cape Town, South Africa to Magadan, Russia.

Credit for this long route goes to a Reddit user who drew a Google map in 2019 claiming it was the longest possible walking distance. This route does not require flights, ferries or other boat crossings, only open roads and bridges. The route takes the brave traveler up through Africa, past the Suez Canal, through Turkey, Central Asia and across Siberia to Magadan.
On this long journey you will pass through Botswana, while you are there why not go on a Safari Tour to see some of Africa’s amazing wildlife?

The next stop is Zambia, where you will be able to visit Victoria Falls. This waterfall is located on the Zambezi River on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe and is the largest waterfall in the world, with a width of 1,708 meters. From Gaborone in Botswana to Victoria Falls, this is a nice and easy stretch of 22 days.

As the last remaining classical wonder of the world, the pyramids are a must-see. It will take you an incredible 181 days or six months to travel from southern Africa to Egypt.

From one world wonder, the pyramids of Egypt, to another, Petra in Jordan, you will only need two weeks. Located in the south of the country, this archaeological site is exceptionally well-preserved and contains the world-famous Al-Khazneh (Treasury) Temple, an ornate structure cut directly into the sandstone rock. Believed to have been the mausoleum of the Nabatean King Arete IV, it is the most popular tourist attraction in Jordan.

Next stop, why not take a look at the natural beauty of Lake Van in Turkey? With scenic walks around the lake and plenty of remote hotels to stay in, this is the perfect place to relax and soak up the fascinating history. From the Armenian kingdoms to the Mongol conquests, the lake has been at the heart of some of the world’s greatest empires. This part of the journey will take you five weeks.

Your last stop before Russia is Georgia, so enjoy a little urban respite in the beautiful capital Tbilisi. With its cobbled old town and houses with red roofs. Walk around the city, see its historic churches, art nouveau buildings and Soviet blocks. From Van to Tbilisi, the journey takes 16 days.

And finally you arrived in Russia, but unfortunately the journey is far from over. As you move further northeast, the temperatures drop, the landscape becomes more and more barren. The journey through Russia to the final destination will take 253 days or eight months.

The longest land route in the world from Cape Town (South Africa) to Magadan (Russia) is 22,387 kilometers, and it takes 4,492 hours of travel to cross, i.e. 187 days of non-stop walking or 561 days of walking 8 hours a day. On the route you pass through 17 countries, six time zones and all seasons.

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